2016 Casey, L. McCarthy, B., Phillips, R., Benoit, C., Jansson, M, Magnus, S., Atchison, C., Reimer, B., Reist, B., Shaver, F. Managing Conflict: An Examination of Three-Way Alliances in Canadian Escort and Massage Businesses. In A. Horning-Ruff & A. Marcus (Eds). Third-Party Sex Work and Pimps in the Age of Anti-Trafficking. New York: Springer Publishing Company.
2014 Sotskova, A. Benoit, C. Casey, L. Pauly, B. & Konkolÿ Thege, B. Applying Meaning Management Theory as a Transdisciplinary Bridge for Addressing Challenges in Problematic Substance Use and its Intersections (In press). In L. Greaves, N. Poole & E. Boyle (Eds.) Transforming addiction: gender, trauma, transdisciplinarity. New York: Routledge International.
2010 Benoit, C., Jansson, M., Casey, L., Phillips, R. & Burns, D. Developing Knowledge Transfer with Non-Profit Organizations Serving Vulnerable Populations. In E. Bannister, B. Leadbeater & A. Marshall (Eds.) Knowledge translation in community-based research and social policy contexts. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
2010 Phillips, R., Leischner, C. and Casey, L. Volunteering on the Frontline: Caring for Sex Workers in Non-Profit Organizations. In C. Benoit & H. Hallgrimsdottir (Eds.) Valuing care work: Comparative perspectives on Canada, Finland and Iceland. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Scholarly Peer-Reviewed Articles
2012 Casey, L. & McGregor, H. A critical examination of experiential knowledge in illicit substance use research and policy. Journal of Addiction Research & Therapy, 3(5):1-9.
2010 Jansson, M., Benoit, C., Casey, L., Phillips, R. & Burns, D. In for the long haul: knowledge translation between academic and non-profit organizations Qualitative Health Research, 20: 131-143.
2009 Strega, S., Casey, L., Rutman, D. Sex workers addressing treatment. Women’s Health and Urban Life 8: 42-53.